
2024 Western Region AAAE POSTER Session
Contact: Nicole Ray nray04@calpoly.edu 

Please login to make a submission or review a submission. 


To be considered for presentation at the

2024 Western Region Agricultural Education Conference

September 9-11, 2024

Chico, California


Poster abstracts which report a completed idea, research, concept, or innovation that have not been previously reported at any AAAE Regional Agricultural Education Research Conference or the National AAAE Research Conference will be considered for acceptance. All abstract submissions will be peer reviewed.

Poster abstracts must be authored or co-authored by authors from the Western Region of AAAE.  If you are unsure of your membership status, you can email Marilyn Trefz (manager@aaaeonline.org) to check your membership status several weeks in advance of the submission deadline. Posters without at least one current AAAE Western Region member will be rejected.

Two poster session categories (types) will be accepted -- Innovative Idea (teaching, process and products) and Research. Innovative Idea posters must be a new idea or the creative modification of an existing idea. Research posters must be related to a problem, demonstrate a need for research, and address the national agricultural education research agenda. The innovative idea must be implemented or research must be completed prior to submission.

Poster narratives in each category must be of potential regional or national significance focusing in the areas of teaching, communications, extension and/or leadership. A peer review evaluation process will be used based on the established evaluation forms.



  • Submit files in Acrobat (PDF) format. Word (.doc, .docx) and other format files are subject to automatic rejection.
  • Abstract must be a maximum of two pages long plus up to one additional page of references. The abstract must include the title of the poster as the first line of page 1.
  • The type of poster should be typed in the upper right-hand corner.
  • The maximum submission length is 3 pages (2 page abstract, 1 page references).
  • Document must be formatted in 12 point Times New Roman font, single spaced, with 1” margins. A word template is available on the website. SEE WEBSITE FOR FORMATTING DETAILS. (http://aaae.agedweb.org/)
  • To facilitate a blind review, the author’s name or other significant identifying information should not appear in the two-page abstract narrative.
  • Poster abstracts not conforming to the required submission guidelines or format may be rejected prior to the review process.
  • No cover page is included on first submission. The author information will be entered in the submission form when uploading the abstract. (Make sure ALL authors are listed on submission form.)



  • Poster narrative proposals are due Monday, July 1, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST Proposals must be submitted using the online form available here: http://aaae.agedweb.org


The poster abstract should have these heading/sections when appropriate:


  • Introduction/need for innovation or idea
  • How it works/methodology/program phases/steps
  • Results to date/implications
  • Future plans/advice to others
  • Costs/resources needed
  • References


  • Introduction/need for research
  • Conceptual or theoretical framework
  • Methodology
  • Results/findings
  • Conclusions
  • Implications/recommendations/ impact on profession
  • References



If the poster is accepted, authors will resubmit by August 26, 2024 the narrative with a cover page added that will then be included in the conference proceedings. Further instructions will be sent to accepted authors. (A cover page will only be required on accepted posters. The cover page should contain the following information and be centered on the page: poster abstract title, author name(s), mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address of the authors. The type of poster should be printed in the upper right-hand corner.)


Once accepted, posters must be created and submitted by August 26, 2024 as a PDF to the Poster Submission Website (http://aaae.agedweb.org) for virtual viewing. Posters must be presented at the Western Region Conference in person by an author. Only posters (PDF of the actual poster to be presented) which are submitted to the submissions website and presented at the conference will be eligible for an award.


Three Poster awards will be presented in each category:

  • Based upon abstract review scores, an “Outstanding Innovative Idea Poster” and an “Outstanding Research Poster” will be presented.
  • Based upon review of the actual poster submitted online, an “Excellent Poster Design (Innovative Idea)” and an “Excellent Poster Design (Research)” will be presented. (Program Improvement Committee will review and select.)
  • Based upon presentation at the conference a “People’s Choice Award – Innovative Idea Poster” and “People’s Choice Award – Research Poster” will be presented. (Presentation will be voted on by members in attendance.)


Submissions are completely online. Proposals must be submitted using the online form found at


(DO NOT submit on the paper submission site. Make sure you use the poster submission site.)

Submission Instructions:

Submit the poster abstract in Acrobat (PDF) format only.


Questions regarding submission can be addressed to:

Nicole Ray,AAAE Western Region Poster Chair (nray04@calpoly.edu)

Theresa Murphrey, AAAE Western Region Poster Co-Chair (t-murphrey@tamu.edu)

Ryan Anderson, AAAE Poster Review and Submission Manager (r_a461@txstate.edu).



Anticipated Timeline

Submissions Open:  3/12/2024
Submission Deadline:  7/1/2024 11:59:00 PM (pacific time)
Review Deadline:  7/21/2024
Anticipated Review Completion:  8/1/2024
Accepted Final Copy Deadline:  8/26/2024
Proceedings Available:  9/9/2024
Submission Status | Review Status | Evaluation Criteria  

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Event Manager: Ryan Anderson webmaster: Mike Spiess