- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF2000) Advanced Core Cluster: AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS (CLF2100) Unit Title: TOOL USE AND MAINTENANCE AND SHOP SAFETY ________________________________________________________________________ (CLF2149) Topic: UNIT EXAM Year(s) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 ________________________________________________________________________ TOPIC PRESENTATION: UNIT EXAM - TOOL USE AND MAINTENANCE AND SHOP SAFETY NAME_____________________________________________ DATE_____________________________________________ PERIOD___________________________________________ 1. What area of agriculture sees the greatest number of injuries and accidents? 2. What precautions can be taken to prevent accidents in the agricultural mechanics shop? 3. List and describe at least two building requirements that assure a safe agricultural mechanics shop. 4. Color coding is used in the shop to: a. make tools easier to find b. add color to an otherwise dull shop c. alert people to dangers and hazards d. all of the above 5. Which color is used to signify danger? a. Red b. Gray c. Blue d. Brown 6. Accidents among farmworkers most often involve: a. burns b. machinery c. drowning d. falls 7. Flammable liquids and dirty rags must be disposed of by: a. throwing them in the trash b. flushing them down the drain c. burning them in a safe area outside of the shop d. placing them in special metal containers that close in the presence of fire 8. Lumber and metal material should be stored: a. in a storage closet b. in vertical racks c. in any available corner of the shop d. in the overhead rafters 9. Tools are silhouetted in the tool cabinet in order to: a. make tools easier to locate b. easily identify missing tools c. allow the tool cabinet to be neatly organized every time the tools are returned d. all of the above 10. List in appropriate order at least eight steps in a daily clean up procedure. 11. Which of the following is NOT a recommended clean up system? a. All-pitch-in method b. Assignment sheet method c. The teacher-clean-up-after-class method d. Cleanup-wheel method 12. Which of the following can be used to extinguish a fire? a. Fuel b. Oxygen c. Water d. Heat 13. List and describe the four types of fires. What are the symbols and colors that designate each type? 14. Which of the following is classified as protective clothing? a. Coveralls b. Apron c. Lab coat d. All of the above 15. List the three steps involved in using a fire extinguisher. 16. What type of fire will a fire extinguisher containing water be useful on? a. Class A b. Class B c. Class C d. All of the above 17. The lips of a drill bit are ground to a _____________ angle. a. 49 degree b. 60 degree c. 59 degree d. 75 degree 18. When using a grinder, the tool rest should be adjusted so that it is no farther than _____________ away from the grinder wheel. a. 1/8" b. 1/4" c. 3/8" d. it does not matter 19. A 60 grit wheel is considered to be: a. fine b. medium c. coarse d. extra coarse 20. Which type of grinding technique is used with a wood chisel? a. hollow grind b. convex grind c. straight grind d. reverse grind 21. The center hole of a grinder wheel is called the: a. axle bore b. center hole c. cylinder guide d. arbor hole 22. Which of the following is NOT a consideration when selecting a grinder wheel to fit a bench grinder: a. arbor hole b. diameter c. width d. strength 23. A cold chisel is ground to which angle? a. 60 degree b. 75 degree c. 90 degree d. 59 degree 24. To put the finishing touches on a wood chisel to make it razor sharp, use a: a. grinder b. pumice stone c. whetstone d. file 25. The correct clearance angle on a drill bit is ______________ degrees. a. 45 b. 25 c. 59 d. 12 26. The most correct device to use to check the angles on a tool is a: a. square b. template c. protractor d. squangle 27. The appearance of a blue color on a tool you are sharpening indicates that the tip: a. is too hot b. is too cold c. is at the correct angle d. should be ground more 28. A grinder wheel should be discarded when it reaches _______ of its original diameter. a. 1/3 b. 1/4 c. 1/2 d. 2/3 29. When the head of a chisel becomes distorted from being hit with a hammer, this condition is called: a. a headache b. expansion c. distortion d. a mushroomed head 30. A center punch tip is ground to a ________ degree angle. a. 12 b. 90 c. 118 d. 75 31. The part of the drill bit that does the actual cutting is called the: a. heel b. lip c. margin d. web 32. Which of the following should NOT be worn while using a grinder: a. safety glasses b. gloves c. protective clothing d. all of the above 33. A groove in the center of a grinder wheel may be fixed by the use of a: a. wheel dresser b. grinder c. file d. whetstone 34. Which of the following is a soft metal that would "load" the wheel? a. brass b. tool steel c. high speed steel d. cast iron 35. The grit of a grinder wheel is determined by the: a. diameter b. size of the abrasive particles c. grinder make d. material that may be ground36. When hollow grinding is desired, the tool is moved __________ on the wheel. a. up and down b. side to side c. diagonally d. vertically 37. If the lips of drill bit are not the same length, the hole will be: a. too small b. too big c. oblong d. obese 38. A good coolant to use while sharpening tools on a grinder is: a. antifreeze b. oil c. water d. solvent 39. A handle on a hammer should be replaced when it is: a. broken b. cracked c. fractured d. all of the above 40. The grinder wheel should rotate from: a. the top down to the rest b. from the rest up c. counterclockwise d. none of the above 41. When should safety glasses be worn? a. while grinding b. while using the whetstone c. when hammering d. all of the above 42. When lighting a gas furnace, you should: a. close all vents b. stand to one side c. immediately turn on gas full force d. preheat furnace before turning on gas 43. The best way to remove metal cuttings or chips from your work is to use: a. Your hand b. Blow it away with a deep breath c. A brush d. A tool 44. To stop a metal lathe from rotating, you should: a. use your cutting tool b. blow it away with a deep breath c. turn the power off d. remove the tool post 45. When you turn off the switch on the portable electric drill, you should: a. disconnect the electrical cord b. inspect the rotor c. blow the saw dust out of the armature openings d. hold the machine firmly until it comes to a dead stop 46. Drill press work should be held: a. with a pair of tongs b. by the hands c. in a vise or firmly clamped to the table d. by an assistant at all times 47. You should always draw the curtains on the welding booth before you strike an arc to: a. protect your eyes form the infrared and ultra violet rays b. keep the work from getting cool c. prevent anyone from noticing mistakes d. protect anyone nearby from the infrared and ultraviolet rays 48. Before leaving heated metal unattended, you should use chalk or soapstone to label it with the word "hot" because: a. someone may be burned if it is touched b. other work may be placed on it c. you can tell to whom it belongs d. other students will be afraid to steal it 49. The valve on a cylinder of acetylene should be opened: a. with a pair of pliers b. three full turns c. one-quarter turn d. all the way open 50. A good neutralizer for cleaning off the top of a storage battery is water and: a. ammonia b. baking soda c. lye d. lime 51. It is best to charge storage batteries in a well-ventilated room because the gas given off during charging is: a. explosive b. not dangerous c. nonexplosive d. carbon monoxide52. Which of the following is NOT a type of bend saw: a. see saw b. mill band c. resaw d. small band saw 53. When cutting short woodstock on a band saw, the wood should be fed with: a. the left hand only b. the right hand only c. both hands d. a pushstick 54. The portable electric saw is a combination of which two tools: a. circular saw b. back saw and hack saw c. bow saw and electric drill d. hand saw and power saw 55. The radial-arm saw is used to: a. cut circles b. cut long pieces of wood down to a usable size c. cut intricate designs d. cut pipe 56. You should install the scroll saw blade to cut: a. on the down stroke of the saw b. at minimum speed c. on the upstroke of the saw d. on both the up and the downstroke of the saw 57. You should feed stock into the scroll saw: a. in rhythm with motion of the hold down b. as fast as possible c. from behind the cutting blade d. at a rate dependent upon pulley speed 58. The jointer is used to: a. connect the ends of two boards together b. crosscut boards c. rip boards d. smooth a surface of a board 59. Never use stock on a jointer that is shorter than: a. 5 inches b. 24 inches c. 12 inches d. 3 inches 60. The shaper can be used to: a. cut the design on picture frames b. align boards to be glued and clamped c. smooth rough edges on metal pipe d. secure and rotate a piece of wood while working with hand tools 61. When operating the planer, you should stand: a. behind the machine b. in the area marked off for the machine c. in front of the machine, provided you have someone to tail off d. to one side of the machine 62. The cutting edge on a router most closely resembles that on a: a. band saw b. circular saw c. pocket knife d. drill bit 63. To avoid breathing problems due to sawdust when using a belt sander, the operator should: a. continually blow the sawdust away b. angle the sander to shoot the dust away from the operator c. open the window d. wear a respirator 64. The tool rest on a wood turning lathe should be set so it is: a. in slight contact with the stock b. below and left of center c. the same distance as the length of the tool handle being used d. one-quarter inch or less from the rough stock 65. When using the brake, make sure you keep your fingers: a. on the clamping bar b. on the bending leaf c. on the counter balance d. clear of the clamping bar 66. How many people are required to operate the shear: a. 1 b. 3 c. 2 d. 5 67. The tool rest on a grinder should be set: a. 1/2" from the face of the wheel b. 1" from the face of the wheel c. 1/16" to 1/8" from the face of the wheel d. You should always sharpen tools on the edge of the grinding wheel 7/11/91 RRE/tf #%&C