- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF2000) Advanced Core Cluster: AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS (CLF2450) Unit Title: PROJECT DESIGN UNIT DIRECTORY: ___________________________________________________________________________ Code Topic Title Hours Year(s) ___________________________________________________________________________ (CLF2451) Preparing a Working Drawing 2 1/2/3/4 (CLF2452) Project Planning & Construction 3 1/2/3/4 TOTAL TIME FOR UNIT = 5 ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT GOAL: Students will master the basic skills necessary to design, draw, calculate the cost of, and construct a project by interpreting the working drawing correctly. ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be able to: 1. Identify the different types of lines used in a drawing or layout. 2. Identify the three types of drawings (orthographic, isometric, and oblique). 3. Use an architect's scale. 4. Construct three-view (orthographic) drawings. 5. Interpret a working drawing. 6. Sketch an object, using paper and pencil. 7. Plan and lay out a construction project. 8. Calculate construction costs for a given task. 9. Assemble and finish a project. ______________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES: Burke, S. R., & Wakeman, T. J. (1990). MODERN AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS. Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers. Cooper, E. L. (1987). AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers. Jones, M. M. (1955). SHOPWORK ON THE FARM (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Spencer, H. C., & Dygdon, J. T. (1980). BASIC TECHNICAL DRAWING. New York: Macmillan. ______________________________________________________________________________ RESOURCES: Bear, W. F., Hamilton, W. H., & Mann, A. (1974). PLANNING PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. Available from: Hobar Publications, 1234 Tiller Lane, St. Paul, MN 55112 (612) 633-3170 6/12/91 OLR/tf #%&C