Ag Mechanics Curriculum Project
Ropework (DRAFT)




Web Sites:





4.0 Technology
Students know how to use contemporary and emerging technological resources in diverse and changing personal, community, and workplace environments:
4.1 Understand past, present, and future technological advances as they relate to a chosen pathway.
4.6 Differentiate among, select, and apply appropriate tools and technology.
5.0 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Students understand how to create alternative solutions by using critical and creative thinking skills, such as logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and problem-solving techniques:
5.1 Apply appropriate problem-solving strategies and critical thinking skills to work-related issues and tasks.
5.3 Use critical thinking skills to make informed decisions and solve problems.

Unit Topics:

  1. Introduction (Outline) (PPT)
  2. Safety (outline) (Safety Test)
  3. Terminology
    1. Teacher Reference (HTML, Word)
    2. Student Reference (HTML, Word)


Unit Assessment

Skill Assignments / Projects

California Ag Mechanics Curriculum Project