2025 Southern Region AAAE Poster Session Proceedings


Chair: Joy Morgan


Submissions Open:  7/5/2024
Submission Deadline:  10/28/2024 6:59:00 PM(central time)
Review Completion:  12/1/2024


Type Submissions Accepted Percent
Innovative Idea  26 23 88%
Research  30 26 87%
TOTAL  56 49 88%

Accepted Submissions:

Innovative Idea
AgriKids Day: Bringing Agricultural Programming to an Urban Elementary School 

Delaney Weisend, Rachel Grimes and Courtney P. Brown
Oklahoma State University 

Are You Ok? Bolstering Student Mental Health First Aid Awareness and Training Ahead of Internship and Student Teaching Experiences 

Jean Lonie Dudley, Chandra Andrew, Justin Pulley, Morgan Jackson
Tarleton State University 

Bridging the Skills Gap: Digital Badges for Employability in Agriculture 

Eric Kaufman, Jama S. Coartney, Donna M. Westfall-Rudd, Megan M. Seibel, Curtis R. Friedel, Amy White, Celeste Carmichael
Virginia Tech and Independent Consultants 

Certifying the Next Generation of Welders 

Jenna Schultz, Ryan Anderson, & Bradley Borges
Texas State University 

Chapter Leadership Conference: Engaging High School Seniors On-Campus 

Andrew Bailey, Jessica Westmoreland, Kwabena Bayity, Ethan Phillips, & Jillian C. Ford
Auburn University 

Developing Place-Based, Climate Curriculum in Rural Schools 

Honeyman, K., Robinson, J.S., Emery, M., Hammack, J., Hooper-Bùi, L., King, A.E., & Wood-Black, F.
Oklahoma State University  

Engaging Communities: A Digital Outreach Approach to Educate, Engage, and Empower Stewards and Students in a Farm Safety Post-Secondary Education Project 

Allison E. Reaves, Stacy K. Vincent, Ruth D. Toole, A Preston Byrd, Namkoong Kang, & Yongwook Song
University of Kentucky 

From Conflict to Collaboration: Professional Development for Preservice Teachers and Mentors 

Heather R. Nesbitt, Sarah A. Bush, and Debra M. Barry
University of Florida 

From Critique to Connection: Using Loom Video Feedback to Boost Student Engagement 

Jessica Benson, Carley C Morrison, Cora Andrews, Emma Berry, Molly Campbell
Mississippi State University 

Gate to Plate: Empowering Agricultural Educators to Bridge the Meat Industry Workforce Gap 

Tyler Newberry, Rebekah B. Epps
University of Kentucky 

Growing Tomorrow’s Ag Leaders Through Participation in Greenhand and Chapter Leadership Conference 

Kwabena Bayity, Ethan Phillips, Andrew Bailey, Jessica Westmoreland, and Jillian Ford
Auburn University 

Immersive Professional Development for Agriscience Teachers to Explore the Floriculture Industry 

Rustie Robison, Catherine DiBenedetto PhD, Natalie Ferand PhD
Clemson University 

Innovative Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE): Local School Partnership with an Urban Farm 

Cristian Camacho, Megan James, Andrew Demler, Robert Williams
Texas A&M University at Commerce 

Integrating the SIOP Model in a Pre-Service Agricultural Education Program 

Sophia Jaramillo-Vasconez, Stacy Vincent, Sarah Sprayberry
University of Kentucky 

Launching A College of Agriculture Student Success Career Coaching Program: Student Insights from Pilot Year 

Charity Stallings, Catherine Sanders, Joy Morgan, Kim Allen
North Carolina State University 

Leveraging AI to Streamline Systematic Reviews: A Case Study with ASReview 

Chin-Ling Lee, Ginger Orton
University of Georgia 

Planting the Seeds of Inclusivity: Middle School FFA Peer Translation Program for ELL Students 

Ramona Weeks, Chris Clemons, Jason McKibben, Jillian Ford, James Lindner
Auburn University 

Preservice Teacher Retreat: Community, Collaboration, and Connections 

Kayla L. Paglia, Clay Beasley, Travis D. Park, Misty D. Lambert, Mary Kate Morgan Lanier, Josh Bledsoe, Stephen Edwards, Joy E. Morgan, Wendy J. Warner
North Carolina State University, University of Mount Olive 

Teaching Elementary Agriculture Education: A New Approach to Preparing Educators 

Jessica Boone, Jason Peake
University of Georgia 

The ASSET Model: An Integrative (Innovative) Professional and Leadership Development Model for SBAEs 

Amber Kearney M.Ed.; Lori L. Moore, Ph.D., Rafael Landaverde, Ph.D.; Craig Rotter, Ph.D.; Scott Cummings, Ph.D.
Texas A&M University 

The Six Conversations Framework to Combat Loneliness 

Jodie Spivey, Ashtyn Humphreys, Lauren Lewis Cline
Oklahoma State University 

Using CATME Peer Reviews for Student Organization Officer Teams 

Kenedy Kornegay, Ryan Anderson, Bradley Borges
Texas State University 

Wildlife Education and Teacher Training 

Bella Rizo, Steven Chumbley & Cassandra Cox
Texas A&M University Kingsville & University of Arkansas 

[STATE] SBAE Teacher Perceptions of the Three-Circle Model of Agricultural Education  

Jeff R. Wison, Christopher A. Clemons, Jason D. McKibben, Chih-hsuan Wang, James R. Lindner
Auburn University 

An Evaluation of School-Based Agricultural Education Teacher's Ability to Teach Electricity  

Jenna Schultz, Ryan Anderson, & Kenedy Kornegay
Texas State University 

An Exploration of Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness Among Undergraduate Agriculture Students at a Non-land-grant University 

Carly Altman & Dr. Chaney Mosley
Middle Tennessee State University 

Assessing Religious Knowledge and Conversational Ability in Pre-Service Agricultural Educators 

Logan Peters, Sophia Jaramillo-Vasconez, Stacy Vincent
University of Kentucky 

Bridging the Teaching Gap: Empowering Faculty with Student-Centered Professional Development in Agriculture 

Jennifer Richards & Katelyn Bledsoe
University of Tennessee 

Challenges Experienced by Migrant Labor Contractors in Southeastern U.S. Agricultural Operations 

Makenzie Smith, Shelli Rampold, Tom Gill, David Ader, Emily Paskewitz
University of Tennessee 

Cover Crop Creators: An examination of sustainable agriculture diffusion via TikTok 

Austin Moore, Sharon Wagner, Hannah Fletcher, Shelby Peebles, and Ashley Brannen
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 

Determining the Impact of an Electricity Workshop on the Importance to Teach Electricity 

Kenedy Kornegay & Ryan Anderson
Texas State University 

Digging Into Soil Health: Farmers’ Perspectives on Climate-Smart Practices 

Morgan Orem, Holli Leggette, Jean A. Parrella, Peng Lu, Karissa Palmer, Jamie Foster, Haly Neely, Reagan Noland
Texas A&M 

Digital Dialogues: Enhancing Cross-Cultural Knowledge through Student Blogging  

Tyler Foote; James Anderson
University of Georgia 

Ethnic Identity of Hispanic Students 

Alyssa Ramos, Steven Chumbley, Jill Rucker & Cassandra Cox
Texas A&M University Kingsville & University of Arkansas 

Evaluating CES Website Communication Strategies: A Gatekeeping Perspective  

Macy Alexander, Casandra Cox, & Hunter Goodman
University of Arkansas & UADA 

Evaluating the Impact of an Electricity Workshop on SBAE Teachers Knowledge to Teach 

Kenedy Kornegay & Ryan Anderson
Texas State University 

Exploring the Impact of an Electricity Workshop on SBAE Teachers Ability to Perform Electrical Skills  

Kenedy Kornegay & Ryan Anderson
Texas State University 

Hearing Loss: An Analyzation of Various Audiogram Tests 

Justin Yount, Stacey K. Vincent
University of Kentucky 

Identifying Southeastern Extension Professionals' Precision Agriculture Competency Needs  

Chin-Ling Lee, Ginger Orton
University of Georgia 

Improving Teachers’ Confidence to Integrate Virtual Reality in the Classroom through Immersive Professional Development 

Taylor Ruth, Tyler Granberry, Savanna Young, Nathan Conner, and Jamie Greig
University of Tennessee, Knoxville; University of Nebraska-Lincoln 

Laboratory Instructional Needs of [State] SBAE Teachers Based on Certification Type and Career Stage 

Trent M. Fronterhouse, Bradley M. Coleman, Christopher J. Eck
Oklahoma State University 

Leader Values and Support Needs of [state] Extension Master Gardener Volunteers 

Kiera Packer, Carrie N. Baker, Sarah A. Bush, & Matt Benge
University of Florida 

Public Perceptions of Calf Disbudding Techniques Used on Texas Farms 

Andrea Calix, Pablo Lamino, Arlene Garcia, Howard Rodriguez-Mori, Elpida Artemiou
University of Florida 

Teacher-perceived Adequacy of Tools and Equipment Available to Teach Electricity  

Molly Massey, Ryan Anderson & Kenedy Kornegay
Texas State University 

The Impacts of Balance, Engagement, and Commitment of [STATE] SBAE Retention 

Joshua Williams, Jason D. McKibben, Christopher A. Clemons, D. Adam Cletzer, James R. Lindner
Auburn University 

Thinking and Working Like a Scientist: Perceptions of Animal Science Undergraduates in a Research Program 

Saifur Rahman, Joseph L. Donaldson, Melissa Merrill, Casey Nestor, Carrie Pickworth, Katherine McKee
North Carolina State University 

Understanding Food Recall Communication Across Generations 

Taylor Ruth, Kristen Graas, Blake Colclasure, and Joy Rumble
University of Tennessee, Knoxville; The Ohio State University 

Using Grounded Theory to Evaluate the Employability Skills Framework 

Rustie Robison, Catherine DiBenedetto PhD, Natalie Ferand PhD
Clemson University, Virginia Tech 

Words that Grow: Fostering Agricultural Literacy Through Effective Writing Instruction 

Christopher A. Clemons, Jason D. McKibben, Clare E. Hancock, James R. Lindner
Auburn University 


Name Institution
Anderson, Ryan Texas State University
Baumgartner, Natalie Fresno State University
Bird, Taylor University of Georgia
Boone, Jessica University of Georgia
Buttles, Tim University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Cherry, Audie Clemson University
Cline, Lauren Oklahoma State University
Cox, Casandra University of Arkansas
Darby, Clarissa Texas Tech University
Dossett, Jason University of Florida
Figland, Whitney Texas A&M University - Commerce
Ford, Jillian Auburn University
Franklin, Edward University of Arizona, Tucson
Granberry, Tyler University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Kelley, Krysti Texas Tech University
Lambert, Misty North Carolina State University
Marsh, Kayla Oklahoma State University
McCubbins, OP Mississippi State University
Moore, Austin Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Park, Travis North Carolina State University
Price, Tyler J. Oklahoma State University
Salem, Maggie Texas A&M University-Commerce
Saucier, Ryan Sam Houston State University
Spiess, Michael California State University, Chico
Sprayberry, Sarah University of Kentucky
Thoron, Andrew Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Warner, Wendy North Carolina State University

Reviewers: 27
Reviews Completed: 168
Avg Reviews/Reviewer: 6.2

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