Activity 1


Introduction to GPS

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are becoming common in agriculture for field mapping and precision agriculture applications. This exercise uses uncorrected GPS units so accuracy is limited, but

  1. Work in a small group. Take turns using the GPS unit. Turn on the GPS Unit. For this exercise the GPS units must be set to UTM.
  2. In the field, complete part “A” of the data sheet
  3. Following the instructor instructions, collect location information for each point and record the Northing and Easting in the data table.
  4. Complete Part “C” before leaving the field.
  5. Using graph paper, plot your data. NOTE: UTM data is in meters. For points that describe an area (i.e. fields) draw boundary lines between the points. Label areas and points.
  6. Turn off your GPS.
  7. Complete the questions in part “D”
  8. Turn in your datasheet and graph.

GPS Exercise Data Sheet

Part A – Before starting.

How many satellites are being tracked (dark)? ____________________

List the satellites by number. |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|

What is the reported accuracy? ____________________

Part B – Collecting GPS Data

Record your data points in the table below. UTM Zone: __________ 

Easting Northing  Description

Part C – After collecting data.

How many satellites are being tracked (dark)? ____________________

List satellites by number. |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|

What is the reported accuracy? ____________________

Part D – Questions.

1. How did the accuracy change during your measurements?


2. Why did the accuracy change?


Activity 2 - Scavenger Hunt



Prepare for this activity by locating points around the school and recording the coordinates.  Hint:  Hold the GPS at each point long enough for the reading to stabilize.   Prepare list of the points in different order so teams cannot follow each other to the points.  Prepare "caches" using the cans and stamps.  Place a cache at each point.  Can should be visible from 5-10 feet away, but no father.

  1. Teach the students how to enter coordinates into the GPS.
  2. Break up students into teams
  3. As a large group find a point for practice. 
  4. Have students search for the caches using the coordinate list.  When they find it they can "stamp" their list to prove they found it.

Options:  Caches can contain a treat.  Punches can be used instead of stamps.  Give prizes for fastest teams.

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