Measuring, Pacing
Determine your pace length
Pacing is a useful way to estimate a distance in the field without the need
for measuring equipment. In this exercise you will determine your pace distance
then determine a distance by pacing.
- Layout a 100' course.
- Walk the course 4 times recording the number of paces on the data sheet.
NOTE: a pace is two steps. Walk with a normal stride. For example: 20 + 21 +
20 + 20 = 81 (Total paces)
- On the data sheet divide total paces by 400' to determine average pace.
For example Total paces 400' ÷ 81 = 4.9 feet/pace
- Determine the unknown distance by pacing. Record on the data sheet
(below). For example:
34 paces X 4.9 feet/pace = 167 feet
__________ + __________ + __________ + __________ = ___________
(Total paces)
400' ÷ Total paces _________= _____________feet/pace
Walk an unknown distance and calculate the distance.
Paces _________ X _____ ft/pace = _____________ Feet