Poultry CurriculumThis curriculum kit includes the following lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations:
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and California State University, Fresno collaborated on the development of this project. Under faculty supervision, students from both universities worked for over 6 months contacting industry experts and researching poultry information to develop the lesson plans. Then a professional curriculum consultant aligned the lesson plans to California Career Technical Education Content Standards in Agriculture. Some of the lesson plans also support California Academic Content Standards. The standards alignment is fairly broad. As each instructor teaches the lesson, additional standards may apply, depending upon the activities chosen to enhance the concepts. Please feel free to contact the California Poultry Federation (CPF) or the other resources listed here with any questions regarding the poultry industry. Sincerely, Curriculum Files (PDF)1- Introduction to the Poultry Industry/Introduction to the Poultry Industry Assessment 2- History of Poultry Production/History of Poultry Production Assessment 3 - Chicken Genetics and Reproduction Assessment 4 - Turkey Reproduction/Turkey Reproduction Assessment 5 - Broiler Production/Broiler Production Assessment 6 - Egg Laying Hens/Egg Laying Hens Assessment 7 - Turkey Production/Turkey Production Assessment 8 - Egg Processing/Egg Processing Assessment 9 - Poultry Processing/Poultry Processing Assessment 10 - Niche Poultry Markets/Niche Poultry Markets Assessment 11 - Poultry Anatomy and Physiology/Poultry Anatomy and Physiology Assessment 12 - Poultry Health and Welfare/Poultry Health and Welfare Assessment 13 - Poultry Biosecurity/Poultry Biosecurity Assessment