- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF3000) Advanced Core Cluster: ANIMAL SCIENCE (CLF3250) Unit Title: LIVESTOCK BREEDING AND GENETICS ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF3252) Topic: REVIEW BASIC Time Year(s) GENETICS 1 hour 3 / 4 ____________________________________________________________________________ Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to: Learning Outcome #: (D-1) - Briefly define the chromosome theory of inheritance. (D-3) - Review (from the Basic Core) and define the terms: phenotype, genotype, gene, locus, allele, homozygous, heterozygous, variation, and mutation. Special Materials and Equipment: Microscopes and slides of chromosomes, VEP video on "Basic Genetics". References: California Vocational Agriculture Curriculum Guidelines: ANIMAL PRODUCTION, "Livestock Breeding and Genetics". Evaluation: Quiz by instructor. TOPIC PRESENTATION: REVIEW OF BASIC GENETICS REVIEW: Basic Core Curriculum CLF252 and CLF253. A. Chromosome Theory of Inheritance 1. All plants and animals are made of tiny building blocks called cells. a. Each cell is divided from other cells by a cell wall. b. Each cell contains a nucleus in which genetic material called "chromosomes" are located. 2. Two types of cell division: a. Mitosis - This type of cell division allows for an increase in cell numbers (more fat cells or muscle cells for example). Cells dividing by the process of mitosis have the same number of chromosomes after division as the parent cell had before division. b. Meiosis - This occurs only in the ovaries and testes to produce the sex cells (ova and sperm). Cells undergoing meiosis have half the number (haploid) of chromosomes as the parent cell had before division. 3. At conception, an individual receives one of each chromosome pair from its father and one of each chromosome pair from its mother. B. Review Terms 1. Phenotype - The outward appearance or production of the animal. example: black coat color in Angus cattle. 2. Genotype - The type of genes the animal carries within him. example: the genotype for black coat color may be Bb (heterozygous) or BB (homozygous). 3. Gene - The inherited material (DNA) that codes for a trait and determines the heritable characteristics of an animal. example: the gene that codes for coat color. 4. Locus - The spot on the chromosome occupied by genes affecting a particular trait. example: the coat color locus on the chromosome. 5. Allele - One form of a gene. example: In the coat color example above (genotype), "B" and "b" are different alleles. 6. Homozygous - When the two alleles at a locus, one from the sire and one from the dam, are the same. Animals are pure for a certain characteristic. example: "BB" or "bb" at the coat color locus. 7. Heterozygous - When the two alleles at a locus are different, having one dominant and one recessive factor. example: "Bb" coat color. 8. Variation - Differences between individuals, either due to genetic or environmental factors. 9. Mutation - Changes in the molecular structure of a gene or genes. This is the underlying mechanism for evolution and natural selection. __________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: 1. Use microscopes to examine prepared slides of chromosomes to reinforce the review and stimulate interest. 2. If you use slides in a projector, a general discussion may be adequate. If you use prepared slides, the students should make some simple diagrams to accompany the exercise. __________________________________________________________ 5/2/90sg #%&C