- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF3000) Advanced Core Cluster: ANIMAL SCIENCE (CLF3400) Unit Title: LARGE ANIMAL PRODUCTION ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF3449) Topic: LARGE ANIMAL PRODUCTION Time Year(s) UNIT EXAM 1 hour 3 / 4 ____________________________________________________________________________ TOPIC PRESENTATION: LARGE ANIMAL PRODUCTION UNIT EXAM Animal Behavior: ================ 1. What is meant by gregarious behavior? 2. How does this behavior make it easier to handle flocks of sheep? 3. Which type of sheep exhibit this trait more strongly: (circle one) black-face white-face 4. Give one example of leader-follower behavior: 5. How can leader-follower behavior make animals easier to handle? 6. How do the following affect the behavior of cattle: a. loud noises - b. zebra patterned shadows on the ground - c. electric prods - 7. Define the "flight-zone" of livestock species: 8. What is "tonic-immobility?" Livestock Marketing: ==================== 9. How does the location of your livestock affect the market chosen? (You may use examples) 10. How does the type of livestock affect the market chosen? 11. What is meant by a "terminal" market? (Explain fully) 12. What are the advantages of marketing by private treaty? 13. What is the advantage of marketing animals by auction? 14. If you had 400 head of feeder calves in this general area, which method of marketing would you choose? a. Why? 5/10/90sg #%&C