- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF3000) Advanced Core Cluster: ANIMAL SCIENCE (CLF3500) Unit Title: RANGE MANAGEMENT ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF3549) Topic: UNIT EXAM Time Year(s) 1 hour 3 / 4 ____________________________________________________________________________ TOPIC PRESENTATION: UNIT EXAM Stocking Rate and Range Characteristics: ======================================== 1. What is overgrazing? 2. List 3 ways overgrazing can negatively affect the environment: a. b. c. 3. Define the following terms: a. Carrying Capacity - b. Stocking Rate - c. Rangeland - d. Rotation Grazing- e. Range Site- 4. What are the differences between the grazing habits of sheep and cattle? 5. What is an Animal Unit (in pounds of dry matter) for a mature cow? ______________ 6. If we have 10 acres of range that produces one ton of dry matter per season. How many AUM's could we maintain with 5 mature cows? Show your work.... 7. If we have 100 acres of range that produces 250 pounds of dry matter per acre per season, how many AUM's could we maintain with 50 head of stocker steers at 1/2 AUM per head? Show your work.... Common Pasture Plants and Legumes ================================= 8. List the three major rangeland types in California and list two range plants specific to that rangeland: rangeland type range plant ______________ _____________ a. 1. 2. b. 1. 2. c. 1. 2. 9. What is the difference between native range and permanent pasture? 10. List 3 legumes: a)___________________ b)________________________ c)______________________ 11. Give one reason why each of the legumes listed above is suitable for California rangelands or pastures: a) b) c) Weeds, Brush and Poisonous Plants: ================================== 12. List 5 common weeds or brush found in California and discuss appropriate control measures for each weed or brush: weed control measures _________ ______________________ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 13. What is the definition of a weed? 14. List one method for preventing livestock losses from poisonous weeds: 4/5/90 bkm/sg/gv #%&C