- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF6000) Advanced Core Cluster: ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE (CLF6100) Unit Title: HORTICULTURAL SOILS ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF6449) Topic: HORTICULTURAL SOILS Time Year(s) UNIT EXAM 1 hour 3 / 4 ____________________________________________________________________________ TOPIC PRESENTATION: HORTICULTURAL SOILS UNIT EXAM NAME _____________________________________ DATE ________________ PER. ________________ Horticultural Soils: Unit Exam COMPLETION: Complete the phrases below with the appropriate word or words. 1. Flooding or water logging will reduce the _____________________ content in the soil. 2. The three mineral particles in soil that determine its texture are: ______________________, _____________________ and ____________________. 3. ____________________________ soils are considered texturally ideal for gardening. They combine the best of qualities such as water retention and good drainage. 4. Dark soil usually indicates a soil high in ___________________________. 5. Certain clay particles and organic humus provide soil with the ability to hold positively charged ions (plant nutrients such as potassium [K+] and ammonium [NH4+]) and then exchange them for other cations. This ability is known as______________________________________________. 6. When added to a field soil, organic amendments should be used in large quantities, to constitute at least ______________ of the soil volume. Small additions of organic matter are ineffectual. 7. Peat moss has a _________________ pH. 8. _______________________________(calcium carbonate) can be incorporated to raise pH in acid soils, and will also add calcium as a nutrient. 9. In general,__________________________ should NOT be used as an amendment in the the landscape or field. It compacts clays and silts to ruin soil structure. 10. ____________________________, the colloidal breakdown product of organic material, is highly desirable in soils as it considerably improves moisture retention and cation exchange capacity. 11. Organic amendments should be incorporated with enough__________________ available to meet the needs of both microorganisms and plants. 12. ___________________________________ is probably the single most important operation performed on soil used in the nursery or greenhouse. By freeing plants of competition from pathogenic organisms and weeds, they are able to grow to their genetic potential. 13. If the seed is planted too ____________________ it may dry too rapidly. If it is planted too ______________________, emergence of the seedling will be delayed, or, in extreme cases, the seedling may not be able to emerge. 14. A rule of thumb is to plant seeds to a depth of ______________ times the average diameter of the seed. 15. In a nursery situation, compost MUST be _________________________ before being added to the growing media. SHORT ANSWER/ESSAY: Answer the following questions as concisely as possible in the space provided. 16. Describe the four main functions of soil. 17. Specify the composition by volume of a average silt loam surface soil when in good condition for plant growth. 18. Explain how soil texture affects: a. Water absorption rate b. Soil aeration 19. What kind of pH do most plants prefer? 20. List below three macronutrients and three micronutrients that plants obtain from the soil. 21. Describe a problem that can arise if soils are too high in salts. 22. Cite four characteristics that can distinguish soils used in ornamental horticulture from soils for general agriculture. 23. Identify three INORGANIC materials that can be used for amending horticultural soils or growing mixes. 24. Identify five ORGANIC materials that can be used for amending horticultural soils or growing mixes. 25. Explain why container soils have to have very coarse textures. 26. List three things that should be tested for when a soil mix is prepared for use in the nursery. 27. Describe two methods for eliminating harmful organisms in the soil. 28. List four advantages to managing soils correctly, resulting in their improvement and conservation. 29. Explain the importance of proper seedbed preparation. 30. List three characteristics of a good seedbed. 31. List three implements that can be used in preparing a seedbed in the field. 32. Outline the steps necessary to prepare a seedbed in the garden. Include in your description the tools used for each step. 33. Describe how to manually sow seed in the greenhouse, using flats. 34. Define compost. Include in your definition three of the basic requirements needed for the construction of a successful compost pile. 35. Discuss the potential uses of compost in gardening. 1/6/91 MH/clh #%&C