- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF6000) Advanced Core Cluster: ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE (CLF6500) Unit Title: SELECTION, PLANTING AND CARE OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF6549) Topic: UNIT TEST Time Year(s) 1 hour 3 / 4 ____________________________________________________________________________ NAME _______________________________ 1. Explain how to plant a shrub from a container into the ground. 2. For each factor listed below explain what to look for when selecting quality plants. size - health - vigor - 3. List four different materials that are used in frost protection of plants. 4. I have purchased a plant that is not frost tolerant for my landscape. . What steps could I take to prevent frost damage? 5. Define xeriscape. 6. What is meant by mass display? 7. Explain the three different types of nursery outlets. 8. List three benefits of planting a xeriscape. 9. I have decided to install a xeriscape yard. What are three things that I might do? 10. What are three reasons for staking trees? 11. Identify the following tools & equipment: 1/6/91 MT/clh #%&C