- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF6000) Advanced Core Cluster: ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE (CLF6600) Unit Title: GROWTH AND MAINTENANCE OF NURSERY STOCK ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF6604) Topic: PLANTING OF SEEDS Time Year(s) 3 - 4 hours 3 / 4 ____________________________________________________________________________ Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to: Learning Outcome #: (K-2) - Plant a variety of flats, using seeds of various bedding plants. (K-3) - Propagate and prepare bedding foliage and/or container plants for sale (or show), according to a prearranged time schedule. Special Materials and Equipment: Seeds, growing flats, growing medium, watering can, location to grow flats, etc. References: Ball, Vic (Ed.). (1985). BALL RED BOOK (14th ed.). Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company. Hartmann, Hudson T., & Kester, Dale E. (1983). PLANT PROPAGATION: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Ingels, J. (1985). ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE: PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers. Evaluation: By observation and/or quiz. TOPIC PRESENTATION: Planting of Seeds REVIEW: CLF 6603, 6602 A. Scheduling of a Seed Crop. 1. Most seed catalogs or seed packages contain the number of days from planting to sale for their seeds. If you cannot find it there, the BALL RED BOOK gives the same information. 2. If the number of days is not given, you can calculate them by working backwards. a. Decide on a sale date. b. Go back the number of days it will take to grow the plants in the size container wanted. c. Add in the number of days required for seed germination and this should give the planting day. B. Propagate seeds by a prearranged schedule. __________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: 1. Obtain all necessary materials to plant flats. 2. Make sure to sanitize all tools and equipment before use. 3. Fill the flat with soil (DO NOT PACK DOWN). 4. Level the soil off so it is about 1/2 inch from the top of the flat. 5. Lightly tamp down the soil to remove air pockets. 6. Plant seeds in the flat in either rows or by broadcast. 7. Cover the seeds lightly with soil. (Note: Some seeds should not be covered, so follow any directions on the seed package.) 8. Label the flat with the name of the seeds, planting date, and name of the student. (If several types of seeds are planted in one flat, you should do this as you plant them.) 9. Place flat into the growing area and add water. __________________________________________________________ 1/7/91 MT/clh #%&C