- - AGRICULTURAL CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF6000) Advanced Core Cluster: ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE (CLF6650) Unit Title: FLORICULTURE AND FLORAL DESIGN ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF6656) Topic: BASIC FLORAL Time Taught in Year(s) DESIGN SHAPES 2 hours 3/4 ____________________________________________________________________________ Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson the student will be able to: Learning Outcome #: (L-7) - Draw and label six basic arrangements. Special Materials and Equipment: Photographs, slides, filmstrips or videos showing examples of the various styles of arrangements. Flowers, foliage and containers to demonstrate the different stypes in class. References: Anderson, Gary. (1988). FLORAL DESIGN AND MARKETING. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University, Agricultural Education Curriculum Materials Service. (pp. 52-53, 162-176) Cook, Hal. (1985). ARRANGING: THE BASICS OF CONTEMPORARY FLORAL DESIGN. New York: Morrow Publishers. (pp. 41-46) Gordon, Robert. (1972). PROFESSIONAL FLOWER ARRANGING FOR BEGINNERS. San Luis Obispo, CA: California Polytechnic State University, Vocational Education Productions. (pp. 51-88) Editors of Ortho Books. (1985). ARRANGING CUT FLOWERS Available from: Ortho Books, P.O. Box 5047, San Ramon, CA 94583. (pp. 60) Resources: Floral Design: From Concepts to Beauty (Video). Basic Floral Design (Tasksheets). Ohio Agricultural Education Curriculum Materials Service, Room 254, 2120 Fyffe Road, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1099. (614) 292-4848. Floristry Videos. Vocational Education Productions. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407. (800) 235-4146 or (805) 756-2295. Evaluation: Quiz by instructor TOPIC PRESENTATION: BASIC FLORAL DESIGN AND SHAPES A. There are many shapes and styles of design utilized in flower arranging. Six of the most commonly used are as follows: 1. ROUND: These types of arrangements are most often used in the middle of a round or oblong table. They are not usually considered a "stylized" arrangement, but tend to be less formal. 2. VERTICAL: This involves a vertical line of flowers, slightly broadened at the base ,in either a tall or shallow container. a. These are best used in corners where they soften the angles. b. These types of arrangements do not necessitate the use of a large number of flowers, and they are often striking in their simplicity. 3. HORIZONTAL: The materials are built into a horizontal line emerging from a long and shallow container. a. A diagonal line of form or mass material is often used to add interest. b. These arrangements are often used as centerpieces for rectangular or square tables. c. They are also used under mirrors or pictures because they do not obstruct the view. 4. SHAPE: This type of arrangement is a combination of a vertical and a horizontal line. A shallow container is best, and free-form containers also work out well. a. The L-shape can go either from left to right or right to left, depending on its location placement. b. This arrangement can be used as an accessory to a candle, mirror, figurine, or a group of books. 5. SYMMETRICAL: These arrangements form an even triangular shape, and they are often used on altars, at weddings, and against a wall or other backdrop. a. The best types of containers to use are rectangular in shape, or those on a pedestal. b. These arrangements are usually quite formal, and they are the central focus whenever they are used. 6. ASYMMETRICAL: This type of arrangement forms an uneven triangular shape, and can be made from a symmetrical arrangement by angling the vertical line slightly to one side, raising the end of one of the horizontal lines, and lowering the other. a. Because it is somewhat more informal than a symmetrical arrangement, it fits in well with the informal room settings of many American homes. b. This arrangement shape can be very modern or quite massive, and will fit into almost every room setting. __________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: 1. Have the students identify various shapes of floral designs from pictures in design books, magazines, slides, or photographs. 2. Have the students draw a sketch of each of the designs described here. __________________________________________________________ 1/7/91 CH/clh #%&C