- - AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - (CLF7000) Advanced Core Cluster: PLANT SCIENCE AND SOIL SCIENCE (CLF7150) Unit Title: PLANT CELLS UNIT DIRECTORY: ____________________________________________________________________________ Code Topic Title Hours Year(s) ____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF7151) Plant Cells 3 3 / 4 TOTAL TIME FOR UNIT = 3 ____________________________________________________________________________ UNIT GOAL: Students will demonstrate a knowledge of plant cell components and their functions. ____________________________________________________________________________ UNIT OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be able to: 1. In photos of plant cells, locate and name (with correct spelling) the major cell components. 2. Describe the role of each cell component sketched in #1 above. 3. Describe the functions of plant meristematic tissues - cambium, shoot, and root meristems. 4. Sketch an animal and plant cell and contrast the two. ____________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES: Hartman, H., Flocker, W., and Kofranek, A. (1988). PLANT SCIENCE, GROWTH DEVELOPMENT AND UTILIZATION OF CULTIVATED PLANTS. Inglewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. ____________________________________________________________________________ RESOURCES: BASIC CORE LESSON PLANS. (1989). Topics in Animal Science (CLF223 and CLF224). University of California-Davis, CA 95616: Agricultural Education Program. Ag Access (Agricultural book source). P.O. Box 2008, Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-7177. (Contact for catalog.) Vocational Education Productions (VEP) (slides, videos, etc.). California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407. In Calif.: (805) 756-2295; outside of Calif: 1-800-235-4146. (Contact for catalog.) EISI (representatives for a variety of educational software publishers). 225 Grant Road, Los Altos, CA 94024. In Calif.: (800) 748-6519; outside of Calif: (800) 748-6519. (Contact for catalog.) 6/21/90 sg #%&C