CDE Standings Web Site Help

The site maintains a database of the team placings for each contest. 

Admin Access

Select the link at the bottom of the home page "Enter Ranking".   Enter the password. 

Entering Ranking for a Contest

  Ranking are entered for the  current year (July 1 to June 30).  

  1. Select the contest and the field day. 
  2. All the chapters are listed alphabetically.  With luck this results are also listed in the same order.  Enter the ranking.
  3. Click on Submit to save your work
  4. Click on list entries to list just the entries.  You may sort by rank or by chapter.   A count is given at the bottom to double check.

Setup for the New Year

To setup the schedule the following needs be done in order.  Routines are described below:

  1. Setup (a copy) of the prior year.  Do this only once! 
  2. Add new hosts
  3. Add new events (by host)
  4. Edit Event Dates (delete hosts with no event first)
  5. Maintain qualifying (associate host with a contest)


The system contains a list of event hosts.  Each contest is associated with an host (ex.  Ag Mechanics/UC Davis) to produce a list of qualifying events.   Each year the contest schedule is entered for the qualifying events.   Ranking is then entered for each event.  You may copy the prior year schedule then maintain the dates (system will add one to the year) as they become available.

Add Host

Use this option to add a new host. 

Maintain Event Dates

Dates for the new year are listed.   Use the "Setup" option to copy events from the prior year.   Edit the dates as needed.   Use the delete option to remove an event from the schedule.   NOTE: Removing an event from the schedule will also remove all rankings that have been entered FOR ALL CONTESTS. 

Add Event

Use this option to add an event to the schedule.  Note:  Host must also be associated with a contest to enter rankings.   See below.

Add/Remove Qualifying Host

A list of hosts and contests is displayed.  A host must be associated with a contest to enter ranking.   Select a host and contest.  If it exists it will be removed.  If it does not exist it will be added.  

Add Chapter

If a chapter is not listed use this routine to add them.  Use the formal chapter name.  Ex: Merced - El Capitan  not just El Capitan

Change Password

Enter a new admin password.  The new password will be saved and must be entered the next time you access the ranking page.