Ag Mechanics
Curriculum Project
Plumbing (DRAFT) |
Updated: 11/06/2009
- Agriculture Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications – 6th Edition, Ray
- Modern Agricultural Mechanics -- Burke, Stanley R., & Wakeman, T. J.
(1990). (2nd ed.). Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers.
Web Sites:
2551, 2552,
- Read the Plumbing units in the text book(s) you are using.
- Go to a local hardware store and gather a selection of fittings to use as
props while teaching this unit. Or, check with your maintenance or grounds
departments to “borrow” fittings and tools to use as visuals.
- Use your shop and surrounding buildings and grounds to view different
plumbing systems.
- Be sure you are comfortable performing any of the skills you will be
demonstrating to your class.
- 4.0 Technology
- Students know how to use contemporary and emerging
technological resources in diverse and changing personal, community, and
workplace environments:
- 4.1 Understand past, present, and future technological
advances as they relate to a chosen pathway.
- 4.6 Differentiate among, select, and apply appropriate tools and
- 5.0 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
- Students understand how to create alternative solutions by using critical
and creative thinking skills, such as logical reasoning, analytical thinking,
and problem-solving techniques:
- 5.1 Apply appropriate problem-solving strategies and critical thinking
skills to work-related issues and tasks.
- 5.3 Use critical thinking skills to make informed decisions and solve
- B. Agricultural Mechanics Pathway
- B1.0 Students understand personal and group safety:
- B1.1 Practice the rules for personal and group safety while
working in an agricultural mechanics environment.
- B1.2 Know the relationship between accepted shop management
procedures and a safe working environment.
- B1.3 Know how to safely secure loads on a variety of vehicles.
- B4.0 Students understand plumbing system practices commonly used in
- B4.1 Know basic plumbing fitting skills with a variety of materials, such
as copper, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), steel, polyethylene, and ABS (acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene).
- B4.2 Understand the environmental influences on plumbing system choices
(e.g., filter systems, water disposal).
- B4.3 Know how various plumbing and irrigation systems are used in
- B4.4 Complete a plumbing project, including interpreting a plan,
developing a bill of materials and cutting list, selecting materials, joining,
and testing.
Unit Topics:
- Introduction (Outline)
- Safety (outline) (Safety Test)
- Terminology
- Teacher Reference (HTML, Word)
- Student Reference (HTML,
- Vocabulary (Word)
- Fittings (PPT)
- PVC Plumbing
- Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be
able to:
- Properly identify common plumbing tools, materials, and fittings.
- Measuring, prepare, glue, assemble
- Select proper pipe type
- Topic Presentation (Outline)
- Steel Plumbing
- Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be
able to:
- Properly identify common plumbing tools, materials, and fittings.
- Measure, thread, and assemble steel pipe.
- Select proper pipe type
- Topic Presentation (Outline)
- Copper Plumbing
- Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be
able to:
- Properly identify common plumbing tools, materials, and fittings.
- Measure, prepare, assemble, and solder
- Select proper pipe type
- Topic Presentation (Outline)
- Fittings
- Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be
able to:
- Properly identify common fittings
- Select fitting appropriate for the job and type of plumbing system
- Describe fittings (e.g. for a bill of materials) plumbing tools,
materials, and fittings.
- Topic Presentation (Outline)
- Plumbing Tools
- Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be
able to:
- Properly identify common plumbing tools by the correct name
- Select appropriate tools for the job
- Use tools safely
- Topic Presentation (Outline)
Unit Assessment
Skill Assignments / Projects
California Ag Mechanics
Curriculum Project