Agricultural Mechanics Instructional Resources


Ag Mechanics Curriculum  
Advanced Cluster Curriculum California Ag Mechanics curriculum (1990s).   Still have useful outlines, but dated.
Ag Mechanics Curriculum Project Curriculum created by teachers.  By subject area.  Projects and PPT tied to standards.   Links to other resources.
Ag Mechanics Curriculum Guide Curriculum produced in 1980
Agricultural Mechanics Transparencies Scanned from old California curriculum guide (1980s)
Oregon FFA Curriculum Electricity, Surveying, Machinery.   PPT, videos, assessments, activities
Georgia Curriculum Resources Curriculum & PPT
Projects in a Box Project ideas to do at home.
Projects - No Shop Projects and activities that can be done without an instructional shop. 
Post-secondary Curriculum  
College Course Materials Teaching materials (lectures, labs, syllabi, and assessments) for college level courses.  Large zip files.   Individual labs can be found in the links below.   Note that additional labs can be found in the "lab" pages.
Intro to Ag Mechanics Labs A collection of lab exercises for basic "shop skills" classes (DOC format).
Tractor and Machinery Labs A collection lab exercises for tractor and machinery instruction (DOC format).
Irrigation Labs A collection of irrigation labs (DOC format).
Teaching Methods Sample activities and curriculum for a teaching agricultural mechanics methods. 
Precision Agriculture  
Precision Ag Curriculum A short curriculum designed for high school programs.
Simple Tools for Using GPS and GIS Using GPS and Google Maps to introduce GPS and GIS to students.  See activity sheet.
Learning about GPS and GIS Secondary Lesson A set of secondary lessons about GPS and GIS.
Precision Agriculture Labs A collection of  labs related to precision agriculture (GPS and GIS) (DOC format).
Drones References for drone use in agriculture
Water/Irrigation Curriculum, activities, on-line calculators

Questions about the site can be addressed to Michael Spiess CSU, Chico