Teaching Ag Mechanics Methods

These resources were developed to support teaching methods courses. 

Teaching Resources Home

Shop Safety Checklist A safety activity to do in the shop.
Safety Resources A collection of topic and other resources related to Ag mechanics
Tools Lists Suggested tool lists by area (ex. metal).
Shop Tool Inventory An assignment to be completed in the shop.
Tool Purchase Activity A spreadsheet to practice purchasing.
Project Variations on a Theme Commonly project ideas need to be altered a bit due to shop limitations or to meet specific SLOs. This handout provides some examples.
Shop Materials Estimator Use to plan for the materials needed for a shop class (works for other courses as well).   Good practice to have students complete for a small set of projects.
Project Planning A project planning assignment.   Project Blank Format for use with the assignment.  Note many examples of these can be found at: Projects
SAE Project Planning A simpler form of the above assignment.   Project Blank Format for use with the assignment. Note many examples of these can be found at: Projects
Sample Shop Contract Advanced students will commonly build larger projects.   This is a sample contract.   As an activity students can complete this for an assigned project (ex.  a BBQ). 
Grading Rubric Exercise Practice developing a project grading rubric from a plan (rafter example).
Grading Rubric Exercise II Practice developing a project grading rubric.  Select a few sample projects.  Have 4 examples of each project.   Students develop a rubric and then grade the projects.

Lecture Materials

Brownies 101 A PPT the describes the process of building a shop project using baking brownies as the model.   Instructors are encouraged to provide brownies to the students....
Tool Storage Ideas