Chico State Water Tools

These tools were developed to support the irrigation class at Chico State.    The general method of system evaluation is to take a representative sample of the irrigation system and then analyze for uniformity of water application.  Each type of system has different data collection methods and in some cases different methods of analysis and metrics. 

Managers should give some thought to system maintenance.  If maintenance done after the evaluation the evaluation is a good indicator of current operation conditions.  If maintenance is preformed before the evaluation then the evaluation reflects the potential of the system.  If resources allow do before and after evaluations to understand the impact of regular maintenance.   Common maintenance items would be plugged screens, plugged emitters or sprinklers, malfunctioning (non rotating) sprinklers, incorrect nozzle sizes.    One of the major goals of an evaluation is to determine the actual application rate.   The application rate is an important factor for effective irrigation scheduling.

Turf Sprinkler Evaluation

Turf Sprinkler Analysis
Generate Turf Sprinkler Analysis  (Excel)

Turf Procedure

Data Collection Sheet (adapted from IA)
(a more comprehensive site inspection and data collection worksheet)

Drip/Micro Irrigation System Evaluation

Uniformity Analysis for Drip/Micro Systems

Drip Procedure

Micro Sprinkler Procedure

Wheel Line / Side-roll System Evaluation

Two methods can be used to evaluate wheel lines:  One is to place catchments in a pattern between sets and move the wheel line (2 sets), and the other places catchments on both sides of the wheel line and adds the two sides together to simulate the overlap of sets. 

Uniformity Analysis for Wheel Lines

Wheel Line One Set Method

Wheel Line Two Set Method

Center Pivot System Evaluation

Uniformity Analysis for Center Pivots

Center Pivot Procedure

Sprinkler Testing

Use this tool to test a sprinkler pattern then estimate DU at various spacings.  It can be used to better understand how sprinkler patterns overlap, the effect of spacing on uniformity, and how a sprinkler might preform at a specific spacing.   This tool was based on the the SPACE program developed by the Center for Irrigation Technology at Fresno State.

Sprinkler Pattern Analysis (radius data)



Landscape Auditing and Sprinkler Analysis Lessons and Activities (DOC)
Why Audit PowerPoint (PPT)

Time Clock Settings

A tool using evapotranspiration to program time clocks.

Time Clock Runtime Calculator (by ETo Zone)

Paradise Specific Time Clock Runtime Calculator

Montague Specific Time Clock Runtime Calculator


Water Source Pressure/Flow Calculator
Pipe Headloss
Pipe Velocity

Related Web Resources

Site URL Description
Open ET Satellite based ET estimates
CIMIS DWR Ground based ETo estimates in California
CropManage UCCCE Online free tool to manage irrigation using ET. 


Ch. 4 Irrigation System Evaluations USDA NRCS  Published as part of the NRCS Mobil Irrigation Lab Handbook. (2010)

Ch 5. Evaluation of Urban Irrigation Systems Published as part of the NRCS Mobil Irrigation Lab Handbook. (2010)

Mobile Irrigation Lab Handbook (2017)  NRCS & Florida Department of Ag.  A complete manual.

Chapter 5 System Performance Published by ASABE.

Evaluating and Interpreting Application Uniformity of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems (UGA Extension)

Water Wise - Wheel Line Evaluation  See: (UK)

Wheelmove Sprinkler Irrigation Operation and Management Utah State Extension

Farm System Evaluation Merriam & Keller  (USAID 1978)

Tehama County Mobile Irrigation Lab Local Resource

Smart Controller Information


Tools on this site are intended for education purposes only and are not intended for commercial use.   For more information contact Michael Spiess at California State University, Chico.